What we thought about “The Trial” by Franz Kafka

A bit like the nightmare that describes Kafka’s The Trial, we reassembled to discuss the book, this time with three people (Barbara, Peter and Leader Andrew C).

We did wonder whether the book itself was to blame but decided it was just that time of year when everyone is away.

A hot night led us to sit outside in a very pleasant spot by the kitchen which was conducive to a detailed and interesting discussion ranging from the influence of Freud, Sophocles and Virgil to the introspective nature of the plot being the nightmare of Kafka himself. Doors which are for you alone but which you are not allowed to enter.

The three words (two sets sent by Richard before he went on holiday) do a pretty good job summing up the book:

  • Perplexing, Page-turner (surprisingly), Surreal
  • NightmarIsh, Freudian, Allegorical
  • Disturbing, Agonising, Frustrating
  • Unsettling, Misogynist, Frustrating
  • Cyphers, Dense, Alice-in-Wonderland

Finally, Kafka was convinced that it was a humorous book. We went through elements of the plot and by describing them to each other we did laugh. So it was certainly humorous in its own strange way.

A worthy choice that stretched us.

As ever, feel free to add your own comments.

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